
Engine Assist Sta. 26 - Working House Fire - 277 Thoroughfare Neck Rd., Townsend
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

At 1808 the CHC was dispatched to assist Station 26 (Townsend) with an Engine on a reported working residential fire. E44-3 under command of Lt. Hufford responded quickly with a full crew. While en-route 26-8 arrived on scene and confirmed a working alarm in a vacant 2 1/2 story historic dwelling and advised all units of a defensive attack only. E44-3 was the second unit on scene and assisted by picking up the supply line from Quint 45 and supplying with water. The crew pulled a second handline off Quint 45 and began an exterior attack with the handlines until the masterstream from Q45 was put into service. Crews remained on scene and assisted other crews until release by command. Chief Barcus 26-8 had command of the scene.

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