
Drafting & pumping training - Lake Como, Smyrna
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tonight members participated in practicing with drafting techniques using E3 and L44 at Lake Como. Crews had the chance to practice hooking up the hard sleeves, pumping and drafting the engine, flowing water using master stream on L44 & the deck gun on E3, and several probationary members took the opportunity to practice climbing L44 while fully extended. Drafting is a rarely used but highly important technique used to supply apparatus with water when there are no hydrants and shuttling water is not an option due to distance or units available. This is done by hooking up the hard suction sleeves to the pump and sucking in water from the water source(pond, lake, creek, pool, portable tanks) and pumping it to the engines or ladder trucks for water supply. There are still many areas of our district in which there are no hydrants and the closest spot to go back and forth to for filling up trucks is 10-15 minutes away, and drafting may be the best option. Crews practice this technique to stay refreshed on how to properly do it in the event it is needed.

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