
MVC with Injuries - S. Dupont Blvd. / Cory Lane
Saturday, April 16, 2016

At 0635 Hrs, Station 44 along with Ambulance 64 was dispatched to a MVC with one reported patient. 44-4 made the response under the command of 44-18(E. Pierson Jr) with a crew of 6 and was followed shortly by Rescue 44 and Brush 44-0. 44-4 arrived on scene to find D-64 on scene assessing the patient. It was found to be a two vehicle MVC with a car which had ran into a parked RV at the Alexander RV dealership. One patient was transported to SCER via D-64 and the scene was placed under control. Scene was turned over to Smyrna Police and 44 units cleared. Captain Easley Pierson Jr had Command. Units Responding: Engine 44-4, Rescue 44, Brush 44-0 and Ambulance 64

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