
Engine Cover New Castle Station 11 - 1006 Brandywine Blvd.
Saturday, April 23, 2016

The CHC handled a prescheduled engine cover to New Castle County Station 11(Brandywine Hundred Fire Co.) for their annual awards banquet. Engine/Rescue 44-4 made the trip under the command of 44-19(E.Neeld) with a crew of 8. While 44-4 was on the way to station 11 it made the response to assist Station 22(Minquadale FC) with an automatic fire alarm. 44-4 arrived on scene to find a single story strip mall, with nothing evident and 44-19 would have Minquadale Command. Engine 20-5 arrived on scene. Crews investigated a possible sprinkler system activation/malfunction. Access was made into the sprinkler room and it was determined to be a faulty system. Command placed the scene under control and 44-4 continued the trip to Station 11. While at Station 11, a "NorDel" Box was struck out for a reported Multiple Residential Fire in the Eastpointe Apartments at 2610 Philadelphia Pike. Stations 13, Engine and Rescue 11, and Ladder 25 were alerted for smoke in the building. 44-4 and Ladder 17 made the response from Station 11 with full crews for both trucks. Both cover units arrived just behind Engine 13-2. 13-2 layed out from the hydrant and Ladder 17 took the First Due Special Service as 44-4 took the Second due Engine and staged at the hydrant. The scene was quickly placed under control by Claymont Command and all units cleared. Crews enjoyed a quite rest of the night at Station 11 and would like to thank the members of Station 11 for their hospitality.

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