
MVC with Entrapment - 1150 Paddock Road
Thursday, June 2, 2016

At 2047 Hrs, Station 44 along with Ambulance 64, Kent Medic 6, and Trooper 4 were dispatched for a MVC with a possible unconscious subject. Engine 44-5 made the response under the command of 44-21(T.Torres) and a crew of 6 followed shortly by Rescue 44 and Brush 44-0. Duty Engine 53-4 also made the response. Km-6 arrived on scene and advised 44-5 that a door removal was going to be needed. While responding, Kent Center advised 44-5 that there was a second incident in the district for a outside gas leak and the station was dispatched. Duty Engine 53 was also redirected to the second emergency. 44-5 arrived on scene to find a single vehicle off the road. Engine 5 arrived on scene and prepared for Extrication by stabilizing the vehicle. Patient care was being provided by EMS, which had a single patient that was unconscious. Rescue 44 was advised to park in front of the Engine and utilize the hurst tools for extrication. Engine 5 utilized a Combi Tool while the Rescue brought the 40 inch spreader and O cutters. The Drivers door was removed and the driver was removed from the vehicle. Extrication was complete at 2102 hrs. 44-21 placed the scene under control. One patient was transported to Kent General Hospital with Half of Km6 on board of D64. 44 units cleared the scene and returned. Units Responding: 44-5,Rescue 44, Brush 44-0, Duty Engine 53-4, A & D 64, KM6. LT. Tyler Torres Had Paddock road Command.

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