
MVC with Injuries - South DuPont Blvd./ South Carter Road
Saturday, April 23, 2016

While returning from an AFA, Kent Center advised 44-2 that they were taking a call for a MVC with injuries at 13 & Carter Rd. At 1059 Engine 2 made the response under the command of 44-20.(D. Hufford Jr). Engine/Rescue 44-4 made the response from the station under command of 44-16 with a crew of 8. 44-2 arrived on scene to find a 2 vehicle MVC that was a T-bone style accident. There were two off duty EMTs on scene evaluating the patients. A & B 64 arrived on scene and took over EMS care. Crews from 44-2 and 44-4 assisted with patient care and securing the vehicles. The scene was placed under control and turned over to Smyrna PD. Units Responding: 44-2,44-4,Rescue 44, A64, B64, Station 44 Fire Police and Smyrna Police. Lt. David Hufford Jr. had Command.

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